Monday, December 01, 2008

ConsoleOne GroupWise Bug

I'm going to re-broadcast this post from Danita, the GroupWise Goddess from her blog:

"As many of you have heard by now, there is a nasty ConsoleOne snapins bug that could cause you serious headaches (thanks Tommy Mikkelsen for catching this one so quickly).

Locking out older snapins is broken. It will be default lock out the currently shipping GroupWise 8 snapins, thus rendering your domain impossible to manage! Find out more about it in TID 7001968.

We’ve already had a couple of reports of folks being caught by this one in the Novell Support Forums."

Happy GroupWising


TID 7001968

Locking out old snapins puts an incorrect date in the box

When creating a GW8 domain and locking out older snapins via ConsoleOne, this will then make the domain inaccessible. After the domain creation, open ConsoleOne. Select the domain, Tools -> System Operations -> System Preferences -> Admin lockout settings. Check the box Lockout older GroupWise admin snapins.

The version shows as 8.0.0 by default and the default date/time is October 24, 2008 7:15:00 PM MDT. If this is accepted, the next time ConsoleOne is loaded for domain administration, an error stating that the snapins are too old will be presented

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