Tuesday, August 07, 2012

CROSS_PROTOCOL_LOCKS on this OES server has not been set to 1

CROSS_PROTOCOL_LOCKS on this OES server has not been set to 1
Fact:   Just completed a GroupWise 7 to GroupWise 8.03 Upgrade
Fact:   Server running SLES10  
Symptom:  ConsoleOne gets an error when Administer tries to manage GroupWise.              "
CROSS_PROTOCOL_LOCKS on this OES server has not been set to 1"

  Running GroupWise on Linux does not use NCP.
GroupWise is not using NCP as a protocol any longer.  The problem is that GroupWise grew up on Netware, and NCP has some reliability and features built in that neither SMB nor NFS has.  Don't forget that this is a database. For example, NCP has the concept of a record lock; SMB (and, IIRC NFS) have no record lock mechanism.   File share modes have been added to cross protocol locking. 

Information:    From the NCP Server for Linux Installation and Setup Guide – Pg 19:
3.3.10 Enabling and Disabling Cross Protocol Locks
Cross-protocol locks are disabled by default. Enabling cross-protocol locks turns on the cross-protocol checking for physical record locks This lets you run applications from Samba and NCP clients concurrently; and each will recognize when the other has the file in use. Enabling cross-protocol locks also enables file share modes. File share modes allow an application to specify whether or not it allows other clients to read and/or write the file while it is using it. Commonly, this is used to allow other clients to read the same file but not write to it while the primary client is using it. Without share modes, applications incorrectly assume that they have exclusive access to a file.

First:  Try rebooting the server that is hosting the GroupWise MTA.
You can enable cross-protocol locks by adding the following line to the /etc/opt/novell/ncpserv.conf configuration file:

You can also replace the 1 with a 0 to disable cross-protocol locks.
This lock can be enabled through ncpcon. In ncpcon, type "set CROSS_PROTOCOL_LOCKS=1" or add this line "CROSS_PROTOCOL_LOCKS 1" to the /etc/opt/novell/ncpserv.conf file. There is a limitation to this too. It only applies to Windows workstations. The Novell Client for Windows allows the ncp protocol to correctly enforce this. The Novell Client for Linux does not have this functionality yet.
This data/information can also be found as a TID. #3036467 or TID #7005613

Note: Do not run Linux version of ConsoleOne on a remote Linux server or SLED until the Novell Client for Linux defect is fixed.

Note: Do not run Linux version of ConsoleOne on remote Linux workstation using NFS connection to the Linux server.

Novell’s intention is for the next generation of GroupWise administration to use its own client/server technology to eliminate the problems above.

This has been submitted as a DEFECT. (
213854) and (539870)

Written in Novell TID format by Bucky.     http://www.nnerds.com

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

How to Email to SMS Device or phone

Do you ever need to send a text from an email account to a phone or SMS device?
Here is a handy list of SMS domain names for major wireless carriers in the United States:

Carrier Domain Example
Alltel message.alltel.com 7204663730@message.alltel.com
AT&T txt.att.net 7204663730@txt.att.net
Nextel messaging.nextel.com 7204663730@messaging.nextel.com
Sprint messaging.sprintpcs.com 7204663730@messaging.sprintpcs.com
T-Mobile tmomail.net 7204663730@tmomail.net
Verizon vtext.com 7204663730@vtext.com
Virgin Mobile vmobl.com 7204663730@vmobl.com

Contact us at www.nnerds.com
Office: 720-466-3730

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Adobe Forums: Error - Unable to find "Adobe PDF" resource files

When attempting to create a PDF from a "dot DOC file" I receive "Unable to to find Adobe PDF resource files."  As part of the message the dialog box asks if I want to run install in repair mode.  I have clicked the "yes" button but the problem remains and I cannot create the PDF.  Clicking the "no" button does nothing but make the dialog box disappear.  I have uninstalled the program and reinstalled using my original program disc for version 7.0.

Adobe Forums: Error - Unable to find "Adobe PDF" resource files

Working this issue right now.  There may be a solution here. 

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

User can't login to domain because of time difference.

I saw this problem today. My User could not login to the DOMAIN because of time differences between the computer and the Domain Time.

Problem:  Privileged domain login fails with "There is a time and/or date difference between the client and server."

Cause:  This behavior can occur if the time or date is not synchronized between your computer and the domain to which you are attempting to log on. If the client computer's time or date is not synchronized with the authenticating domain controller, Kerberos validation does not succeed.

Option 1: Do not require Kerberos
  • On the server bring up Active Directory Users and Computers
  • Bring up the user that is having problems logging in. 
  • Go to the Account Tab
  • Go to Account Options and scroll down to the check box, "Do not require Kerberos preauthentication".
  • Check this box and Apply
  • The user should be able to login.

Option 2:  User the NET TIME command on the computer as local user with Admininister Privileges.

 NET TIME /DOMAIN:name /SET   (NET TIME /DOMAIN : name /SET .. no spaces)

C:\>net time
C:\>net time \\computername /DOMAIN:yourdomain /set
C:\>net time \\computername

REF:   KB232386

Monday, April 23, 2012

Converting Blackberry BES to BIS

Howto change Blackberry Phones from BES to BIS

I've been working with several companies that are retiring their Blackberry Enterprise Server (BES) to Blackberry Internet Service (BIS). Most of these users are converting from a Blackberry to an iPhone or a Droid Phone. However a few users still need to continue receiving emails on their blackberry from the Corporate Exchange Email Server.

Using BES, the Blackberry communicates directly to the Blackberry Enterprise Server over the Internet which in turn communicates with the Corporate Microsoft Exchange Email Server. The IT Staff uses the BES to control what content appears on your Blackberry. They can keep it under tight control or allow more control to the user. They can also maintain a tight security link over secure encrypted protocols. If the Blackberry is lost, then they can lock the blackberry or delete the contents. That's why the Blackberry has been so successful in the past with Corporate Email.

Using BIS, the Blackberry communicates to the Outlook Web Access portion of the Microsoft Exchange server. There is very little control from the IT Staff. The user typically gives up Contacts and Calendar synchronization.

* Blackberry 101 See External Link: BES and BIS: What's the difference?

Here is the easiest most direct procedure:

Procedure Using your Blackberry.

1. On the Blackberry find the icon for Email Settings.
2. Email Accounts: Choose Add.
3. Choose Other
4. Enter your Email and Password: emailaddress@domain.com
a. It will timeout with the "The Email address or password is incorrect or we need more..."
b. Click on I will provide the settings” or “provide additional settings"
Blackberry Setup
5. Select an email type: Choose “Outlook Web Access (Exchange)
6. Enter the Email address.
7.. Enter Password.
8. . Enter the Outlook Web Access URL:

ie. https://mail.nnerds.com/exchange/bucky/#

9.. Enter the Username: ** See Note
10. Enter Mailbox name: ** See Note
11. Choose NEXT
12. If you are successful you should see “Email Account Successfully Added” or it will say add another account.
13. Choose Finish
14. Go back to the Blackberry Main screen and see if your account is added. You should start receiving emails.

** Note
Sometimes the Username and the Mailbox name are different.

I've seen a company use first_lastname@company.com for the email address
The Username: FirstLastname
The Mailbox: First_Lastname

More info and Frequently Asked Questions:

Question: How do I sync my Calendarwith BIS?

1. Thismethod requires a Google Gmail Account. It also requires you to add the Gmail account to your BlackberryBIS.

2. You useGoogle Calendar as your main Calendar on your Blackberry

3. Download and install a utility called GoogleCalendar Sync to run on your desktop which synchronizes your Outlook CLACalendar Items to your Google Gmail Calendar.

4. Where do I get Google Calendar Sync?

Question: Where can I login to BISon the WEB?

Most Common ServiceProvider’s BIS website:

More info on BIS:

GenerialBIS Frequently Asked Questions:

Verizon -Configure email services – Blackberry Internet Service (BIS)

VISIT the NNERDS - Neighborhood Nerds

Thursday, February 09, 2012